My last day with my mother was yesterday.
She wanted me to take my brothers to seminary and school because her head hurt.
I did.
She wanted me to take her to the store because she wanted to buy presents for my little brother's birthday.
I did. And we waited a half hour outside a store that opened later than we thought it did.
She wanted me to take her to Publix, so she could buy milk for later.
I did.
She wanted me to drop the kid off at pre-school so that she wouldn't have to drive. And then get to class immediately afterward.
I did.
She texted me in the middle of Math class. It said "Call Me".
I walked out of the class right then and did.
She said that she called the nurse at her doctor's office and that the nurse told her to go to the emergency room.
I immediately told her I'd be right there, hung up, and ran to get my stuff and get to the car and sped home. I think I made record time.
She wanted me to drop her off at the emergency room, so that I would be able to continue with the things she wouldn't do, like picking up my little brother from school.
I walked her in and said that I loved her and goodbye.
She called from the hospital later telling me that they said everything was alright.
And then they called later than that. And I went down there.
And everything is not alright.
she's gone